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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  September 7, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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when she says he went to their home and took their two kids. >> he opened the sliding door and both kids were right here and he grabbed them and took off. >> reporter: he drove the kids in a rented car to a harbor in alameda where he stole a 40-foot boat and sailed away. >> i think it is revenge just because he was so angry at me. and i think he was at his turning point. you know, people do desperate things at desperate times. but i didn't think he would take it this far. >> reporter: this morning after a bulletin went out about the stolen boat a special fisherman spotted it. >> he did confirm that the person he saw on the boat was christopher and he did see a small child on the vessel. >> reporter: a coast guard plane tracked the boat and the coast guard took another boat to rescue the children. >> there is no describing the
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hell i've been through right now. it's surreal. i see it on the news and they're talking about my babies. >> reporter: the latest update is that that sailboat believed to be carrying the children is headed toward shore but is aways away and according to our source it could take hours to resolve. kimberly tere. a body has been found. let's show you the map. it's 27 miles south of morgan hill between gilroy and watsonville. the sheriff's department has been called to help in the investigation. we have video from our nbc bay area chopper to show you. the public information officer has been asked if this could be the body of a missing morgan hills teen that went missing in march. but a law enforcement official tells our investigative unit
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that it is highly unlikely it is lamar. we have a crew arriving on the scene. vallejo police are looking for two suspects who shot and killed two people including a woman pregnant with twins. the police found the victims at a home at 9:30 last night. the 18-year-old ashley mills who was six months pregnant and her boyfriend deshon jones were shot to death. the couple's two-year-old son was in the house but not injured. the woman's parents say she was a loving mother of two expecting a baby boy and girl. >> whoever did is it the murderer of four people. my daughter, her boyfriend, and my two unborn grandkids. i will never be able to live this down in my life. i'm hurting all the time. >> neighbors saw two men wearing hoodies running from the scene moments after hearing the
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shooting. now to a developing story involving two san jose men buried in shallow graves in indianapolis. police identified juan carlos and valencia -- they were found august 22nd and just identified through dental records. their bodies were found after people searching for a dog discovered the shallow graves. both men were reported missing. the search for a missing bay area college student has gone global. brett olson disappeared during a river float on the sacramento river. police are looking at reports that he was seen near chico after the float. friends, neighbors and celebrities are scouring the internet. 66,000 people have joined a facebook page dedicated to the search. twitter is also abuzz with
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celebrities showing support. >> he is someone's brother and son. and someone's best friend. and you know, it just hits home. >> dozens of posters have been put up in the windows in businesses in lafayette. a growing trend in the south bay, parents dropping their kids off for class are targets. we all do it. we walk our kids in and come back to our car and a crook has taken your purse? >> yeah, the thieves are getting more braise bin the day. the principal here sent out an alert to parents urging them not leave valuables in the car. police have not been able to investigate the thefts because of staffing levels. for one south bay family yet another problem is mounting for them. they cannot file a police report online because the system
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crashes on them. rob has been trying to file a report online. it's a 15 minute process but he gets an error message at the end of each attempt and he is sfrus straited. his wife was picking up their child on wednesday when a man smashed their car window and took off in her purse. with the license plate number he was told police cannot do much. there have been six reported cases here at hayes in the last couple weeks. >> the burglars know that the staffing in san jose is down. they know there is not a force out there to stop them. >> i leave my purse in the car. >> now what? >> now i'm going to take it with me. >> and rob has tried filing his report online six times on three
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computers and always gets that error message. san jose police say they tested the online reporting system and it works just fine. they will look into his issue. just by coincidence, san jose police on monday will unveil a new online program that is supposed to be state-of-the-art and make things easier. i'm damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. former governor arnold schwarzenegger is off the hook. he failed to tell the victim's family before reducing a sentence from 16 years a 7 years. nunez is the son of fabian nunez. he pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter after attacking a group of unarmed men in 2008. the man who died was luis santos
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from concord. we are 60 days from the election. most pollsters say there are ten swing states that will determine the next president. the latest jobs report showed that america created 96,000 private sector jobs but that number is disappointing for many people. danielle lead joins us in washington. how does this help or hurt president obama? >> how voters feel about the economy is likely to decide this presidency. and this jobs report is one of the last indicators ahead of the election two months away. >> reporter: these are the workers both presidential candidates are trying to reach. people like dominic who just got hired at new restaurant. >> i happened to be lucky. there are a lot of people struggling. >> those unemployed and disappointed by the lack of jobs created in august. 96,000 down from 140,000 in
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july. >> i'm trying to remain optimistic. >> reporter: one day after accepting the party's nomination, president obama is campaigning in new hampshire. he acknowledged room for improvement while putting a positive spin on the economy. >> businesses added jobs for the 30th month in a row. we need to create more jobs fast. >> reporter: the unemployment rate has been above 8% for 43 concern months. many people stopped looking for work last month. in iowa republican presidential candidate mitt romney used the numbers to attack the president's jobs record. >> the president said we would be at 5. 4% unemployment. but we are at 8%. you know the difference that makes? 9 million people. >> two sides to one report that is sure to have voters talking. >> and economists say that 200,000 jobs need to be created
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each month to lower the unemployment rate. we have not seen that average in years. gallup is seeing an increase in the president's favorability by 3 points since the convention. now back to you. >> thank you, danielle. want to take you outside and show you a beautiful friday evening in san jose. if this doesn't get you ready for the weekend, nothing will. we have a preview of the weekend. it's going to be a toasty one too. >> the numbers will be comfortable on saturday and also your sunday. we want to start off with the fog. where is it and is not. we are not finding up against the coastline. but the fog is looming out here off shore. that will eventually move in back to parts of the coastline. we had 88 in walnut creek. 87 in livermore. upper 40s and low to mid-50s in
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the morning. by the afternoon not as warm on saturday as we had today around 1:00 p.m. low to mid-70s in the south bay and upper 70s in the east bay. if you are going outside and have allergies most of the article generals in the atmosphere will be moderate. we're back with the full seven-day forecast later in the show. just add water. a man's project of passion gets its final part. and a new kind of mind game. that online fun that could have a real impact on your brain. learn whether it's positive or negative.
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in health matters tonight all those online games like words with friends are not a way to waste time at work. they have an impact on your brain. erica edwards explains.
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>> reporter: classic board games are getting a facelift thanks to facebook and social media outlets. all the rage are games like words with friends and song pop. the good news is experts in the aging process agree they might be good for your brain. >> the games online will stimulate the brain and keep your challenged and make you work. >> reporter: the key is keeping yourself challenged to reach more difficult levels. >> when you are not sure about the answer forces your brain to make new connections and learns. >> reporter: but using a smart phone is not the only way to stay smart. card games, cross word puzzles and learning a musical instruments are other ways. exercise and simple walking have been linked to brain health. and step away from the screen
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every once in a while for real face time with friends. erica edwards, nbc news. he was a navy man most of his life and keeping with tradition, neil armstrong will be buried at sea. it was his wish but the family has not released details of the burial. the navy will perform the ceremony but will not say when or where citing the family's wishes for privacy. a public memorial will be held on september 13th on washington national cathedral. a prank forced a u.s. airways flight to turn around in midair and return to philadelphia. the flight was on the way to dallas. police got a call that a man on the flight was trying to smuggle something to texas. the man was innocent but the caller could face federal charges. the man who was accused was arrested for outstanding drug
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warrants. just add water. is it a phrase we use when something is easy and quick. >> a man in half-moon day just added water to a project he has been working on for 40 years. we have a story of determination and a dream. what took him so long? >> there are a couple of factors that went into that. he may argue the point with you, his friends and family call howard white a perfectionist. he is not the kind of -- he is the kind of person who likes to see things through to the end as well here is tonight's bay area proud. spend enough time walking the piers of pillar point harbor, and you'll see all manner of things that float. but what's about to dip its hull into these waters is shoo you to
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turn heads and gather a crowd. >> it's going to be a lot of people. yeah. >> reporter: what they all want to see is what howard white's been working on. a boat, yes, but one with quite a story behind it. >> the hull is based on a 45-foot sailboat catch rigged. >> reporter: first of all, howard built it himself. the concrete hull sailboat is homemade. this cement style was popular decades ago, which brings us to the other remarkable thing about the boat. decades ago is when he started building it. four decades ago when he met a man building a similar one. >> he explained in 30 minutes how he did it and i understood it. and i said maybe that's what i'll do. i went and built a boat.
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>> reporter: the idea of using concrete, you see, appealed to the then 25-year-old with a civil engineering background and not a lick of boat building experience. >> i couldn't have built a wood or steel boat. but i can build that. we'll see, 41 years later. >> reporter: what took so long? well, whereas many other cement boat projects were rushed, sloppy and unfinished, none of those words have been ascribed to a howard white project. >> it's going to float. >> reporter: to float it has to go in the water. there are many who thought howard's boat would never get there. >> he was a full time contractor. >> reporter: he wasn't married to one of those people. >> how do you go back? >> reporter: they moved the boat from beside their house to a boat yard just to make room for their growing family. and now, 33 years after that
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move, the dancing dolphin is on the move again. >> wow, it's flying. >> reporter: this time finally ready to be put in the water. >> four, three, two, one -- woo-hoo! yeah! >> i'm just so proud of howard and the kids and we all -- it was all of our life. and now we get to have fun. >> you heard the crowd out there. there were a couple hundred people watching the boat. everybody knew about howard's boat and they wanted to see it go in the water. the sail is next. now is it at the dock it gets a mast and rigging. no more than two months. >> you have a before and after? >> we'll do the follow up in 40 years from now. all right, it's certainly going to be a beautiful day to
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be in the water. >> not too bad for saturday and sunday. and if you are headed out to at&t park for the giants game we'll have a bit of low cloud cover but not san francisco fog at 7:00 p.m. and the cloud cover filters in by 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. more action on saturday and sunday with the dodgers. low 80s back in the interior valleys. 86 in gilroy. we'll take you to the sky camera network. you will find abundant sunshine. no fog in downtown san francisco. all of that marine layer is 150 miles off shore. what does that mean for the weekend? we have absolutely clear skies out in the pacific. the high pressure is nudging in from the southwest. we're going to go with more of a warm morning here. the high pressure will not move
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on top of california and the sea breeze wins out. we'll have sunshine on the coastline but it's not a weekend where we get in the 70s and 80s on the coast. areas of patchy fog to start. in the interior valleys not much of the 90s on saturday and sunday. 70s and 80s. the fog forecast has most of the low cloud cover up in the north bay and in the coastline. the fog pushes back as early as 11:00 a.m. the forecast showing clear skies are from the north bay to the south bay. a spectacular saturday setting up. temperatures, 83 in san jose, 86 in morgan hill. and for the tri-valley we're going with the low and mid-80s. a few of you will be cooler than today. 84 in dublin. 85 in walnut creek. 70s by the bay and 68 in alameda, 69 in san francisco.
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67 in berkeley. and low to mid-80s in santa rosa. you will find mid-80s saturday and sunday. 70s by the bay. 60s at the coastline. the temperatures go up. it's a sign of what is to come here. not overly hot next week but a few low 90s as we head throughout wednesday, thursday, and also friday. by next wednesday fall starts in ten days and with that said it will be safe to wash your car throughout next thursday. >> it looks very nice. >> i'm calling for it. >> fall is beautiful here in the bay area. >> you ready for football? speaking of fall? monday night the nfl comes to oakland with rock 'n' roll and hip hop. two huge names cheering for the raiders. you're on timeout leo!
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will.
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. some serious star power on hand for the stand up to
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telethon. all four broadcast networks and a dozen cable networks will air it commercial free at k89 tonight. 100% of all donations go to cancer research. tune in to nbc bay area to catch it. football season is here. the 49ers kick off the season in green bay. 49ers and packers sunday afternoon at 1:25. the raiders are at home on national tv. monday night football. won't be just the raiders fans in costume and face paint. this guy singing the national anthem. gene simmons from kiss. also on hand is ice cube. as for the game the raiders and charges on monday night at the coliseum. >> he looks like he is wearing
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raiders gear. we're back in a moment.
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friday night, you know what that means, party time. >> we're working. that's what it usually means. we do have great weather tonight. classify skies and temperatures in the 60s. saturday is fog free at the coast by 11:00 a.m. if you are headed to the beach it will be comfortable with temperatures near 70 degrees. >> we'll go to the beach at noon tomorrow. more local news at 6:00. >> bye-bye. we'll see you then.
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